BDSM Scene Reflection Sheets: The Guideline
BDSM Scene Reflection Sheets: The Guideline
Reflecting on what transpires in a scene is an important, easily overlooked part of aftercare. While most aftercare focuses either specifically on your physical needs, or a combination of physical and emotional needs, reflection is really important for focusing and developing and understanding the psychological aspect of submission. Through reflection, you can create clear paths of communication with your Dom/Top, and you can focus on activities and aspects of submission/bottoming that you find yourself struggling with.
Originally designed as a way to expand on the checklist template (also available), but in reality, it can be used just as easily for a quick, overall reflection of the scene. The information that you put in each box can focus as lightly or as heavily as you want on either the physical aspects of the scene, the emotional aspects, or both, but the most important part of this template is the “next time” section.
The “next time” is where you’ll want to give yourself the opportunity to explore what comes next and how you and your Dom can improve each other’s pleasure. So, if something didn’t go quite right, if the mood of the scene was broken, or didn’t go as smoothly as you or your Dom would have liked, this is the place where you can talk about it. Jot down your ideas for improvement, add activities that you can try to incorporate, and express what doors you think may shut or open for you in the near future.
- 3 Designs Available in one download
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