BDSM Scene Reflection Sheets: The Checklist
BDSM Scene Reflection Sheets: The Checklist
Reflecting on what transpires in a scene is an important, easily overlooked part of aftercare. While most aftercare focuses either specifically on your physical needs, or a combination of physical and emotional needs, reflection is really important for focusing and developing and understanding the psychological aspect of submission. Through reflection, you can create clear paths of communication with your Dom/Top, and you can focus on activities and aspects of submission/bottoming that you find yourself struggling with.
Template: The Checklist
The checklist template was designed specifically for integrating new aspects and activities into your routine. You’ve got the opportunity to list multiple activities—either completely new or activities that you’re revisiting—and to use the scene that’s transpired as a springboard for how you felt about it. Simply write the activities that were new, or that are being reintroduced into your routine, and identify what your comfort level is.
- 3 Designs Available in one download
This is also a great way to chart how your feelings about certain activities change over the course of several sessions or even several years of practice. If you find yourself falling out of love with an activity that used to be a favorite, it’s important to be able to identify that and to express that to your Dom so that he/she can adjust the plans for future scenes accordingly, if desired. On the other hand, if you’ve struggled with an activity, and in the middle of a session, something finally clicks for you, having the checklist can help you express that.
The second half of the template is a general reflection page. I left it free form so that you could have the freedom to focus on whatever aspects of the scene you feel specifically need to be addressed. You could make it short and sweet, or, if you’re more inclined to write free-form, you can continue on to another page in your journal.
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